Welcome to our largest and most carefully curated list of
positive words! Do you need to widen your vocabulary? Or add some optimism into your daily life? Or help those you care about be more positive? Are you looking for positive words to write on a birthday, Christmas, Valentines, Thanksgiving or thank you card? How about something to post on social media like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram? Or are you simply looking for words to compliment a loved one, co-worker, the very nice mail courier or the barista who prepares your morning coffee at your favorite coffee shop? Here we gathered the best positive word in the English language: lots of positive adjectives, verbs, nouns and adverbs for you to use as words of encouragement for kids, friends, coworkers and loved ones. Every word here was chosen because of its positive connotation so that they could be used in positive phrases and sentences. There are more than enough words here for you to make one of these words your positive word of the day. Fill each day with one of these positive words and you will find much more joy, laughter and happiness. Enjoy and stay positive! We love you and we support your dreams!
You may also enjoy our collection of positive words to describe someone!
Absolutely | Accepted | Acclaimed | Accomplished |
Accomplishment | Admirable | Amazing | Authentic |
Abundant | Abundance | Achiever | Affluent |
Astonishing | Awesome | Adorable |
Beaming | Beauty | Beautiful | Believe |
Beloved | Beneficial | Best friend | Blessed |
Bliss | Brave | Breathtaking | Bright |
Brilliant | Brilliance | Bravo |
Calm | Calming | Capable | Captivating |
Caring | Celebrate | Certain | Champ |
Champion | Charitable | Charm | Charming |
Comfortable | Committed | Compassion | Compassionate |
Confident | Congratulations | Correct | Courage |
Courageous | Courteous | Creative | Creativity |
Credible | Credibility |
Daring | Darling | Dazzling | Dear |
Dearest | Dedicated | Delicious | Delight |
Delightful | Dependable | Developed | Devoted |
Devotion | Dignified | Diligent | Discipline |
Distinguished | Divine | Dream | Dreamy |
Driven | Dynamite | Dynamo |
Earnest | Easy | Ecstatic | Education |
Effective | Effortless | Elegant | Empathy |
Eminent | Empower | Empowerment | Endearing |
Enduring | Energy | Enjoy | Enjoyable |
Enormous | Enthusiasm | Epic | Equality |
Especial | Essential | Esteem | Eternal |
Euphoria | Everlasting | Excel | Excellent |
Excellence | Exceptional | Exciting | Excitement |
Exhilarating | Experienced | Expert | Exquisite |
Extensive | Extraordinary | Extravagance | Exuberant |
Fabulous | Fair | Faith | Faithful |
Familiar | Famous | Fancy | Fantastic |
Fascinating | Favorite | Fearless | Fidelity |
Fierce | Fit | First | Flawless |
Forever | Forgiveness | Fortunate | Fortune |
Free | Freedom | Fresh | Friend |
Fulfilling | Fun | Funny |
Generous | Genius | Gentle | Genuine |
Gift | Gifted | Giving | Glam |
Glamour | Glee | Glorious | Goal |
Goodwill | Gorgeous | Gourmet | Grace |
Grateful | Gratitude | Great | Good |
Great | Greatness | Growth |
Handsome | Happy | Happiness | Hardworking |
Harmony | Health | Healthy | Heart |
Heaven | Hello | Helpful | Hero |
Hilarious | Holy | Home | Honest |
Honor | Hope | Humble | Huge |
Humane | Humility | Humor |
Idyllic | Imaginative | Immaculate | Immense |
Impeccable | Important | Impressive | Incomparable |
Incredible | Indispensable | Infinite | Ingenuity |
Inspiration | Inspirational | Inspiring | Integrity |
Intelligence | Intrepid | Irreplaceable | Irresistible |
Jackpot | Jaw-dropping | Jewel | Jolly |
Joy | Joyful | Joyous | Jubilee |
Juicy | Jumbo | Just | Justice |
Keen | Key | Kind | Kind-heart |
Kindness | Kindred | King | Kiss |
Knightly | Knockout | Knowledge | Knowledgeable |
Large | Laugh | Laughter | Lavish |
Leader | Legacy | Legendary | Leisure |
Liberty | Life | Longevity | Love |
Loving | Loving-kindness | Loyal | Loyalty |
Luck | Lucky | Luxury |
Magic | Magical | Magnificent | Majestic |
Major | Marvelous | Massive | Meaning |
Meaningful | Merry | Mighty | Miracle |
Moral | Mother | Motivated |
Natural | Neat | Needed | Necessary |
New | Nice | Noble | Nourishing |
Nourishment | Nurse | Nurture | Nutritious |
Open | Open Minded | Opportunity | Optimism |
Optimistic | Optimum | Opulence | Opulent |
Organic | Original | Outstanding | Overjoy |
Paradise | Partner | Passion | Passionate |
Patience | Patriotic | Peace | Peaceful |
Perfect | Phenomenal | Pioneer | Plenty |
Playful | Polite | Positive | Power |
Powerful | Precious | Premium | Pretty |
Prime | Principle | Prize | Prodigy |
Pride | Productive | Promise | Prosperous |
Proud | Pure | Purpose |
Quality | Qualified | Queen | Quiet |
Quick |
Relax | Rad | Radiant | Rapture |
Rainbow | Ready | Real | Reassuring |
Regal | Rejoice | Rejuvenate | Relationship |
Relevant | Reliable | Resilient | Respect |
Respectful | Responsible | Restorative | Rewarding |
Rich | Righteous | Romance | Romantic |
Safe | Scholar | Savior | Scrumptious |
Secure | Selfless | Sensational | Sensible |
Serenity | Sexy | Sharp | Shine |
Significant | Sincere | Smile | Smart |
Sophisticated | Spark | Sparkle | Special |
Splendid | Star | Strong | Stunning |
Success | Super | Superb | Supportive |
Surprise | Survivor | Sweet | Sympathy |
Talent | Tasty | Teacher | Team |
Teamwork | Tenaciuos | Thankful | Thorough |
Thoughtful | Thrive | Timeless | Together |
Togetherness | Treasure | Triumph | True |
Trust | Trustworthy | Truth |
Ultimate | Unbeatable | Unbelievable | Unconditional |
Understanding | Unforgettable | Unique | United |
Unstoppable | Uplifting | Useful | Utmost |
Utopia | Unwavering |
VIP | Valiant | Valor | Value |
Victory | Virtue |
Warm | Wealth | Welcome | Whole |
Wholesome | Willpower | Winner | Wisdom |
Wise | Wonderful | Worthy | Wow |
Yeah | Yay | Yes | Young |
Youth | Youthful | Yummy |
We hope you enjoyed this positive words list and are able to use these words as much as possible to bring about a happier and more grateful life for yourself and those who share your life with you. We hope you have found many nice and good words to describe someone and that you will use them to help build other up. These positive verbs and adjectives are designed to put a smile on your face and bring about optimistic and inspiring emotions. After all, if we don’t take the time to be consciously positive and grateful, then our minds will tend towards the negative. Of course, there are always problems in our life situation, but there are also always many blessings that we can focus on and be grateful for. It all depends on how you choose to see the world. So we hope you choose a positive outlook and come back often to enjoy the most carefully selected list of positive words in the world. We love you and we support your dreams!