Smile! Today is simply spectacular because we have gathered for you the largest list of sassy, sweet, sexy, sumptuous, supreme, successful and spectacular positive words that start with S. It is simply a great day for some positive S words! We love to use words like super, splendid and smashing to describe something that is sensational. Lots of positive words that start with the letter S have a feel-good factor associated with them. Positivity is often hard to achieve, but filling your life with positive words can help fill your mind with positive thoughts. And changing your thoughts can change your reality. Practicing happy thoughts and a little dose of positive words beginning with S will bring you a sunny and bright start to the day. This list is a comprehensive guide to positive words that start with S to describe a person, thing, feeling and more, that have a satisfactory and special ring to them. Read below and find the perfect S words positive that will lead to a calmer and serene day.

Positive Words That Start With S
Saccharine |
Sacred |
Sacrosanct |
Safe |
Safeguard |
Safe haven |
Safekeeping |
Safety |
Sagacious |
Sagacity |
Sage |
Saint |
Saintly |
Salable |
Salient |
Salubrious |
Salutary |
Salutation |
Salute |
Salvage |
Salvation |
Salve |
Sanctimonious |
Sanctimony |
Sanctity |
Sanctuary |
Sane |
Sanitary |
Sanity |
Sapient |
Sassy |
Sate |
Satisfaction |
Satisfactory |
Satisfied |
Satisfying |
Saucy |
Savant |
Save |
Saving grace |
Savings |
Savior |
Savior-fare |
Savor |
Savory |
Savvy |
Say |
Scenic |
Scholar |
Scholarship |
Scintillate |
Scope |
Score |
Scrumptious |
Scrupulous |
Season |
Seasoned |
Secluded |
Second to none |
Secure |
Security |
Seduce |
Seductive |
Sedulous |
Seemly |
Select |
Selected |
Self-advancement |
Self-assured |
Self-esteem |
Selfless |
Selflessly |
Selflessness |
Self-made |
Self-respect |
Self-sufficient |
Seminal |
Senior |
Sensation |
Sensational |
Sense |
Sensibility |
Sensible |
Sensitive |
Sensual |
Sensuous |
Sentimental |
Serendipitous |
Serendipity |
Serene |
Serenity |
Service |
Settle |
Settled |
Sexy |
Shalom |
Shape |
Shapely |
Share |
Sharp |
Sharpness |
Sharp-witted |
Sheer |
Shelter |
Shepherd |
Shield |
Shimmer |
Shimmering |
Shine |
Shiny |
Shipshape |
Shoulder to cry on |
Shoulder to shoulder |
Showcase |
Shrine |
Sibling |
Sightly |
Significance |
Significant |
Silken |
Silky |
Simmer |
Simple |
Simplicity |
Simplistic |
Simply |
Sincere |
Sincerely |
Sizable |
Sizzle |
Sizzling |
Skill |
Skilled |
Skillful |
Sky-high |
Slamming |
Sleek |
Slick |
Smart |
Smartly |
Smashing |
Smile |
Smiling |
Smiley |
Smitten |
Smooth |
Snap |
Snappy |
Snug |
Snuggle |
Soar |
Sociable |
Social |
Socialize |
Society |
Soft |
Soft-hearted |
Soft skills |
Soft spoken |
Soigne |
Solace |
Solemn |
Solid |
Solidarity |
Sonsy |
Soothe |
Soothing |
Sophisticated |
Sought after |
Soul |
Soulmate |
Sound |
Soundly |
Soundness |
Sovereign |
Spacious |
Spark |
Sparkle |
Sparkles |
Sparkly |
Special |
Specialist |
Specially |
Specialty |
Specific |
Spectacle |
Spectacular |
Speed |
Speedy |
Spellbinding |
Spice |
Spicy |
Spiffy |
Spirited |
Spiritual |
Splendid |
Splendor |
Sponsor |
Spontaneity |
Spontaneous |
Sport |
Sporting |
Sportive |
Sportsmanship |
Sporty |
Spotless |
Sprightly |
Spring |
Sprout |
Spruce |
Spry |
Spunk |
Spunky |
Square |
Square deal |
Stabilize |
Stability |
Stable |
Stalwart |
Stamina |
Standard |
Standout |
Star |
Stardom |
Stark |
Starry |
Stately |
State-of-the-art |
Statuesque |
Status |
Stauch |
Steadfast |
Steadily |
Steady |
Stellar |
Sthenic |
Stick together |
Still |
Stimulate |
Stimulating |
Stimulus |
Stir |
Stirring |
Stouthearted |
Straight |
Straightforward |
Straight shooter |
Strapping |
Strategic |
Strategist |
Streamline |
Street-smart |
Strike |
Striking |
Strive |
Strong |
Strongly |
Structured |
Studious |
Stun |
Stunner |
Stunning |
Stupendous |
Sturdy |
Style |
Stylish |
Suave |
Suavity |
Sublime |
Substance |
Substantial |
Subtle |
Succeed |
Success |
Successful |
Succinct |
Succulent |
Sugar |
Sugary |
Suitor |
Sumptuous |
Sunny |
Sunshine |
Super |
Superb |
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious |
Super-charge |
Super-duper |
Superior |
Superiority |
Superlative |
Superman |
Supernal |
Superpower |
Superwoman |
Supple |
Support |
Supporter |
Supportive |
Supremacy |
Supreme |
Sure |
Surefire |
Surely |
Surmount |
Surpass |
Surplus |
Surprise |
Surprised |
Surprising |
Survive |
Survivor |
Svelte |
Swag |
Swan |
Swank |
Swanky |
Sweeping |
Sweet |
Sweetheart |
Sweetly |
Sweetness |
Swell |
Swift |
Swim |
Symmetrical |
Sympathetic |
Sympathy |
Synchronize |
Synergy |
We hope you had a superb time browsing through our positive words that begin with S. Positive thinking doesn’t come easy in this busy and stressful modern society, so whenever you come across articles like this, please spread the positive vibes by sharing them, especially with those who might need a boost. Start with these positive S words to describe someone, whether it be your co-workers, loved ones or a person you see in the street with a bright smile. Surprise someone special in your life by sending them sweet, sincere and meaningful positive words through a text, a holiday card or on Facebook using these positive descriptive words that start with S that will surely make their day.